A Letter to My Readers

Image courtesy of Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Dear Reader:

Soap Trash, as you know it, will cease to exist on the 25th of January 2015. 

Well, the name that is. 

I am rechristening it to Quasimoir

The URL will change too: It'll be: http://quasimoir.blogspot.in

I have been told that this is a perfectly secure operation and isn't quite the thing the United Nations calls a press conference for.

Why did I do this? Well, I got tired of the soap and the trash as well. The name was rather pointless. It did serve its purpose way back in time when I wanted this whole enterprise to look like a disconnected irrelevant map of happenings.

But that map itself is no more. The irrelevance has packed its bags and gone away to live alone in some Godforsaken town, and the sea has washed ashore an unknown yet approachable catch of life. 

That catch - or semblances of it - is what you'll read of here now. With the usual garnishing and the spices as well.

Occasionally, a bottle of port wine number whatever might arrive. And a cool breeze hovering over the waters near the Ngong hills in Africa might beckon.

And when that happens, I will go there - and take you along as well.



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