The Experience - Part III

Before you read this, read: 

  1. The Experience - Part I
  2. The Experience - Part II

Date: Sometime in October 2014

I seemed to have no option but to watch it all. So, I watched my numbed being take in the spectacle. It was dull beyond compare and yet, I sat there and observed every minute detail of its design. Black voids with scallops detailing their circumferences opened their mouths to yield lush melancholy cotton balls of purple. They emerged from those portals of nothingness as if some ocean had shuffled them out of their comfort. A mild look of irritation accompanied their movements and yet, out they flowed and swam around the place as if they owned it. 

They lined up one after another and then - as if a witch had startled them into a crumble - they scattered themselves as spots that flew with no aim to rest anywhere. Their flight was a spectacle despite the misery they plunged me into. They swirled into a frenzy that sparkled with insanity.  A throbbing vivid insanity it was that flew into a rage rife with happiness at having me in its grasp. 

I went limp in its hold. Crumpled pieces of paper will have felt stronger than me.  I was feeble and close to disassembling myself into a heap. And all of a sudden - just as I thought the feeling will pound me into a disappearance - it evaporated in the amply minute time of a second.

Strings of amoeba-like shapes floated into my vision and spots of sound drifted closer to my ears. My hearing clasped a box of zingy sounds that burst into a recognizable voice. It was the voice of the movie spilling its screens out of the television in shafts of light onto the table. It was noise all right but a comfortable one - one that made me realize that normalcy was creeping into my head.

I raised my back, separated my thighs from the seat of the chair and walked into the bathroom. A sharp cold splash of water was all I managed to cover my face with before I dragged myself to the bedroom and fell asleep.

The next morning, I was told that my parents used the spare key to let themselves in...
