Serving Change

Date: 13th January 2014

There was a time everything agreed with me: I ate pork with a whole lot of pork fat. I ate platefuls of chicken, then loaded them with ham and salami, and thereafter yanked some noodles into their coverage area as well.

Yes, I loved to attend weddings more for their buffets than for the ones about to marry into a spectacle. I loved to eat out - dinner always saw me making an excuse to saunter into some restaurant in Bombay and lunch (if it involved a 'friend') always was done with at a McDonald's outlet at least.

All that was when I was 24 or in its vicinity.

I am 35 now. And well, it's time to agree on the fact that not ALL agrees with me. This heartless little stomach of mine has decided to register its protest against the things I put it to work on. And since that protest doesn't quite register my say at all, I have given in and revamped what I HAVE to eat.

Pork I hardly touch these days. I noticed it slows me down and consequently, brings down all my, er.., bodily processes to a rather unceremonious speed. With chicken and  mutton, the matter is no different. Once my meaty meals are done, for some strange reason, I feel rather uneasy as if I have been strapped down to a machine hell bent on dragging me to a halt. I hate that feeling, and so, I have almost crossed them all - pork, chicken, and mutton - out of my list.

Bananas and vegetables have made an appearance on my plate. Well, they were always around, but it's only recently that I have started to give them so much of attention. Not so long ago, I would promise myself to eat them the next time I remember them. But now? I make it a point to eat them the moment I see them!

Breads have been changed too. Brown is in, and white is out. Mother did not quite approve, and consequently, I have to see to it that my brown bread supplies are in tact. Had I to get her nod for this change, I wouldn't have to bother, but well, I had might as well risk her disapproval than that of my stomach!

So there it is: My menu wears more than a leafy shade of green. And God knows! there'll be more shades of green added sooner. I am not kicked about this change but I am not sucking my thumb and sulking in the corner either.

It's a change and the least I can do is welcome it. And welcome it I have. It remains to be seen whether it lives well with me or withers away once the leaves turn a dusty brown in the scorching sultry month of May...


Unknown said…
I too could easily eat what I wanted, how much I wanted and not put on weight. For me the worst part of aging is the slowing down of metabolic I eat junk I look like junk...hate that equation :-S
I sympathise and empathise as well, Mukta. And I think we'll make it through - as long as we know what's happening to us. :P