About The Routine...

Date: 14th January 2014

I am back to running the routine. I am back to checking email at work, checking personal email - not necessarily at home alone, and checking Facebook posts and likes practically all the time.

This routine somehow keeps me going. There is an insipid taste in the mouth at times as I go from one task to the other - tasks that form the routine that is - and I think it's because my tongue wants to be pampered with flavours scandalously different from what it did land into the previous day. 

I am not quite sure whether I'll be able to cater to its need: The year has 365 days and I try to use just eight hours of each day to do what I have to. That aside, flavour hunting takes up a whole lot of time and thinking. And just because of an insipid taste that bores my tongue - and consequently my mouth - I cannot quite leave my routine and shop in a store of delectable spices to spice up my taste buds!

Well, I am saying all this now - at this moment. I am quite sure I'll change my mind a few weeks down the line and go do the spice hunting! 

Life's like that: It makes you change the moment you least expect the hem of your garment to lift itself and scandalize the daylights of the people around you! Not that I don't like scandal, it's just that I am so overwhelmed - at times - by my desire and capability to generate one that I giggle at the way it starts to get out of hand!

Change though doesn't get out of hand. Infact, it personifies getting out of hand: That's second nature to its persona. It's one long train of wagons full of suprises - brown, white, emerald, and turquoise - that are meant to add more than a dash of colour and spice to the shell that is you. 

Which means  - I will have to go shop for some spice! :)
