Notes After the Noon and into the Evening

2:49 PM 5/16/2011
My right shoulder seems to have tired of supporting my arm. It aches. It's a dull ache - as dull as the sky is this afternoon. I hope it rains. But then I hope it rains when I am in the bus or in the train back home. Mother called asking whether it's raining here. It wasn't. I told her so. She said a cool breeze blew into the hall as she sat there and so, she had to put the fan off. She began to talk about real estate prices - as usual - and I could not say anything. Had I to, I would sound like a cynic who has decided to be his or her bitter best. 

I have work to do. I think it's not fascinating. But then what ever is? I am sleepy too. I yawned just now and people around seem to have sprung up in time to take notice of my mouth...

The Bell Jar is something I plan to read. I have a whole list of somethings that I plan to read. I wonder whether I'll ever make it to the end of that list. So far, not even a bullet from it seems to have been accomplished. I feel like a loser as I write that. And simultaneously, I feel am rather honest. I think that makes me an honest loser. I am pretty sure you'll come across several such true losers here...

5:54 PM 5/16/2011
Have a call to attend. It's not as if I don't like to talk and make calls. It's just that these calls seems pointless. Things that can be sorted out by a clear candid e-mail are twisted into a call script that takes fifteen minutes to finish and at times thirty or more minutes to wrap up. I think it's part of the policy: Talk as much as you can to the client in the morning, in the night, in the evening, and whenever you think you want to talk. Just talk. Talk talk talk!

6:09 PM 5/16/2011
The call got cancelled. Top secret information and thoughts follow. And they definitely will not find their way here!
