To Write or Not to Write

The thing is I think I have a whole lot to write about - work, colleagues, friends, enemies, families, etc, etc. The only problem is the willingness to write it all. If I write about:

  • work, perhaps the organization will dust off the rust on their legal weapons and bring them to me merely as a token gesture of what they will do should I write anything untoward.
  • colleagues, but then you see I have to work with them. I may not like some of their sentences and I definitely do not like to smile and nod my head to everything they say. But I have to work with them. So, I cannot expect myself to work in the most normal of circumstances were I to vomit here what I think about at least one of them!
  • friends, I must have a friend whom I can call one. Given the lazy despicable condescending supercilious unmentionable as I am termed, I daresay I have a repertoire of acquaintances, forget friends!
  • enemies, but I think I don't want to waste my breath and thoughts on such riff raff. After all, as a close acquaintance put it one bright summer day,  you need to care that much to begin to hate a person. And frankly, I don't care even a fraction to start to antagonize myself into a hurricane of hate and sneer.
  • families, I will have to start a new blog! My own family occupies nearly half the posts here. My extended family found itself being woven in a few other posts. And the families I have gotten to know in these 32 years I have spent in Mumbai are this close to forcing me to write about their dysfunctions. However, I am an ordinary man. I believe one must hold one's tongue or say "I don't want to say anything." rather than say it all!

Haha! Don't laugh! I really am serious. Were it not to be for families, I would not have had half the entertainment I have managed to laugh at. They are amazing sets of study for social behavior. Outside their sanctum called home, they take it on themselves to prove Shakespeare right: All the world's the stage to them. So they smile, be ever so perfect, walk about as if they are all united together and pretty much follow the rules laid down by Rajshri productions for a happy family.

However, once the arc lights are off and they are safely home, Wes Craven takes over and so the entire enterprise morphs into a horror show. Closer home, it would seem as if the bosses at Rajshri productions went drinking and decided to direct a horror family drama. For no one is what they seem to be. And everyone seems to spring a shock as if manners et al were burnt into a bloody curry...
