Acheland By Night

My head's in better shape now. Yesternight, it was all set to split into several iron rods and hammer the life out of me. In fact, I have a feeling it might have already run a prototype of that around 3 in the night. For what else can explain the excruciating pain that made me think about repenting for my sins as if it were my last day in Mumbai - India, in particular and the world in general? Oh the agony  I went through was something I had never experienced before.

I couldn't even shift my head on my pillow. Were I to do that, my neck would ache and a thick log of pain would hammer at the sides of my head. Somewhere around 4, I thought I had better take a Crocin - it makes sense to fight and die than just, you know, die. Well, sometime later, I woke up again, this time wondering whether I did indeed take that Crocin I was thinking about earlier.

You see I couldn't quite remember. Snapshots of the act passed through my memory - I remembered peering out of the window, I remember the beam from the headlights of a car grazing the window panes, I recollected throwing the foil on the dustbin, but I wasn't quite sure of the last memory.

However, I was quite sure I did look out of the window. I had a heavy swing in my step that made me walk as if I were inebriated. And as I was steadying myself - I remembered - I saw those cars in the compound.
So, yes, I did take that Crocin. My eyes were droopy again and I thought it best to let them roll off to sleep.
And thus, the night passed - in pain, delirium, and unusual agony...


Amropali said…
I thought I had cancer when I was a tween(long story).
I wrote letters to all my close ones saying sorry for every little wrong I might have done to them, for I din't want them to hate me in my last days.

I guess pain is a trump card that guilt sometimes likes to play on us.