Episode 145: Sane is the Insanity of Mind

The other day, I began to worry whether I had lost my sense of well being: I hadn’t been reaching office on time, I never quite felt a need to be interested in finishing a task, and I most definitely wanted a lot of money at the end of each month.

The salary did bring in money but it isn’t – as every other man and woman will inform you – a lot of money. And it always has taxes cut out of it, provident fund snipped out of it, and a number of other irritating factors slashing the amount you actually see in your bank account.

So, as I said, I always felt I needed money and yet I could not make it on time to work. Not that I sweated profusely in the night worrying about my behaviour, but it did seem to be a cause of concern. After all, I was never known to walk in at 11! But the last week had seen me flout my own rules that I had laid for myself and yawn my way to my desk at 11:30.

Naturally then, I began to wonder whether I had lost my senses or was it time to marry and maintain a wife to nag me to work on time?

Well, I was simply wondering and bothering.

An hour after I began to let my thoughts fret and fume about my behaviour, I realized that I am not the only one who has such bouts of illogical temporarily abnormal conduct. There are thousands and thousands of people who at some point in time have let themselves just flow with the irrational tide of thought in their heads and then regretted and rectified it all in the nick of time.

I have no specific examples to mention about such cases. But often, I have noticed colleagues, acquaintances, and even relatives go – as the English say – off the deep end. They tend to not talk the way they always do, aren’t exactly communicative, and destroy all notions of they being approachable.
And then all of a sudden – as if some one hit the reset button – they throw this rather hideous suit of character and go back to the selves they were before.

Of course, I will not want to drop names for the benefit of all. But yes, I have observed this.
So, I think I am rather sane when I say I am allowed to go berserk at times.
The problem is: I need company doing so. So, the next time I do go off the deep end, I’ll allow myself to believe that each continent has someone following me the time I do go berserk.
After all, it isn’t expensive and painful to think of a pretence, is it? 
