The arrow flies by day and rests at night

I'm so sleepy. I can see what I have to, but I am beginning to think it's all a dream. Which speaks volumes of the type of dreams my mind is into. For here I am seeing the PC screen and on the point of thinking that to be a dream.

One doesn't think of screens in a dream. Usually, it's always money or an exotic location where you have your legs up on the best table on the beach and you care not what time it is.

Oh but I do care - at least right now as I realized it's all true and happening for real.

I think I must be off to bed now. It's 11:39 pm anyway. It's Mumbai I stay in for sure and yet now, at 11:39 pm and a few seconds, I can hear just the fan and its blades hurrying after each other and throwing a blast of breeze down my neck.

Yes, it's time to sleep. And I hope to sleep splendidly. 
