Episoder 137: The Stranger

I want it all - every note and every sound:
I feel I must it possess.
I desire it all - every move and every pound:
I'm ardent about it - I confess.

Yet as the rains make way for thunder;
As the Sun runs from the Moon;
I question it all and wonder:
Is it true - is it a little too soon?

For I have been through it all,
And survived sans a doctor.
I swam through the flood,
And a swamp and arose stronger.

Even so as the flame waltzes on the candle
And the breeze makes love to the curtain,
Desire and distrust each wear a sandal,
And live happily ever after in me for certain.


magiceye said…
beautifully expressed sense
Thank you so much. Nice to see you here.:) Do visit often and lend an eye with all its magic as well.:)