Episode 120: About Easter, The Skipped List, and The Feast to Be

Easter has come and by the time I finish this post, dine, and fall asleep, it will have gone. Quite a bright Easter it was this time. The season of Lent culminates well with this joyous feast and - for the first time after all these years - I do have nice things to say about it and do feel it was worth honouring the entire ritual.

Well, I had decided to not watch movies this time all throughout Lent and well, I don't think I missed much. Avataar isn't worth my time - if you discount the special effects and the 3D glasses, it's the usual white-man-saves-people-he-came-to-enslave story. I wasn't inclined to allow myself to be impressed when it did release nor am I even keen on taking a look at it now.

It's Complicated turned out to be a damp squib. Forgive the cliche - I don't know what else to call it. Perhaps, it invites itself to be described with such cliches. Its premise was interesting and of course, Meryl Streep knows when and how to turn a bland role into one that has a decent amount of sophistication. However, even she could not have realized what a - er - cliched movie this will turn out to be. It's as if the cook trumped up this royal recipe with just the right ingredients and then lost interest while standing at the kitchen sink.

As for Bollywood, well, to borrow a line from the Book of Books, what good can come from that land? Haha! I am sorry, I am being very flippant and carefree as I pass that remark, but Bollywood never fails to disappoint.  
My Name is Khan would have done well to not release at all. That movie - to put it ever so lightly - took mockery of the intellect and ridicule of common sense to a new level. Never ever in the history of cinema has it been depicted - with such royal razzmatazz - how an ordinary man with absolutely no superpowers can go where the US army cannot. Never has it been woven so deftly into a limp script that a nation's army wasn't there for it when it has to be and never ever has even a drunkard of a director managed to sell a script full of an army of loopholes to a studio as reputed as Fox! What's more! They'll sell and then justify it with the most stupidest reasons ever. And to top it all, they'll announce it's a stupendous success - in Turkey and Berlin and Pakistan!

I am not to let such successes swerve my opinion and so Bollywood Inc. never lands up in my list of things to catch up on.

What I am to catch up on is the following list:

  • An Education
  • The Hurt Locker
  • Handel's Messiah
  • Just So Stories
  • The Planets Suite by Holst

And once this is done with, the next list will be up for the reckoning.:)


Sandeep Pillai said…
Ha, I watched both Avataar and My Name is Terrorist...er...on my recent trip to Mumbai. I liked Avataar a lot cos it let me sleep. And I hadn't slept well for 2 nights. What fun, paying 300 bucks and sleeping in an AC theater!

My Name is Khan made me weep, and cry hoarse. Weep cos I was that bored - had it not been for lovely Kajol, I would've killed someone! - and cry hoarse: My name is Sandeep and I'm sometimes a terrorist!