Episode 107: Salads from St. Emotionelle Feelington Avenue

Date: Sometime in January 2010
Time: Around 1:00 pm
Venue: Subway, MIDC, Andheri (East)

 The view isn't breathtaking. Well, I mean it doesn't take my breath away. I though do take my breath in...

Across the street stands a line of pastel-coloured buses - splashed with hues of blue, pink, and brown on a dead strip of yellow; and adorned with lines of orange asleep even before they managed to land on the bus...

Surprisingly - and I say surprisingly for this is an industrial estate - the splashes of green are much more frequent than you can imagine. If you just leave the distraction of the food on your plate aside and peer through the netted glass panes, you will realize that certain patches of the road are lined with glades. I know it's surprising - again that word - that I never noticed. Why! There's a Christmas tree opposite me - of course outside the window that is...

And then there's the traffic - and strangely, I find it rather colourful. Probably, it's because I am here in an air-conditioned eatery and not out there in the blistering Sun! people drift in, it's 1:11 pm and I have asked my stomach to be content with what it holds now...

I am listless. Depressed, maybe - probably not depressed, but listless for sure. I while away time as if I have bought it for my entertainment. And worse! I feel no guilt about it at all. In fact, I feel safe and secure doing that. And the other day, when I realized this, I did not even react! There I was sitting idle, fully aware that I am idle, and yet, I did nothing about it. I just sat there and kept sitting till I got a little too fed up of the entire exercise...

Exercise! Is it what it is? Or is it my utter resplendent disinterest in what comes my way?

God knows, really! And perhaps I do, too.


Anonymous said…
Surely you don't mean "disinterest," do you? Impartiality? No...doesn't really fit. Perhaps you mean "lack of interest," do you?
Yes you are quite right. I mean lack of interest. Thank you so much for the correction of thought.:) I'll edit the post to reflect it.:)