Episode 98: Some More Nonsense

09th December 2009

Just another ordinary day decided to dawn on me. Actually, it's so familiar - this day and its happenings - it feels as if Someone has copy pasted one of the previous days for today to save the trouble of thinking of what to put into a new day.

Does that make sense? Hmm. I am looking at that sentence and it seems rather long. But, well, I am so lazy today, I don't even want to re-think what has just got out of my finger tips...

I ran into Shobhaa De's blog today. Well, I did not run into it. Truth be told, I was so fed up a while ago, I actually took the trouble of googling Ms. De - I mean I searched for her via Google.com. And there it was - that woman's blog. Well, since I had taken this much effort, it doesn't look nice to just close the browser without accessing the search result, no?

So, I landed on her blog. The woman knows to make everything spicy - even the times when she has nothing to write, she makes it a point to throw in the masala at least. As a result, what you read is so red hot, you just have to stop or else, it'll burn your literary senses.

Take for example, one of her posts where she talks about Mumbai post 26/11. Being the Queen of the so-called socialite elitist class, she decided to go berserk and compare Mumbai with Rani Mukherjee. Mumbai is going downhill, she wrote (using not exactly the same words), just like Raniji. And then she went on to compare how Mumbai's condition was deteriorating just like the flops that Rani had wallowed into. Well, to say it was stupid to even begin to write something like this is an understatement. It was more like committing crime knowingly. The whole post seemed to be an exercise in testing her reader's ability to distinguish swill from whatever little niceties she could throw in. Sad to say - but say I must - practically all gave her a tongue-lash. So, obviously, she did get the flak she asked for.

But the lady is undeterred. As you run from one post to the other, you notice, her desire to be known as the Socialite Queen raises its bar and yells from the rooftops. So, as a result, there are paragraphs of how she is enjoying her stay in Australia and how she has been spending time in some fancy destination and how she thinks this life that she lives is so so blissful.

Amidst it all, she tries occasionally to raise the I-am-an-asal-Maharashtrian card. In one post, she says she made  friends at the airport (Mumbai airport that is) with an airport authority after they realized they both were from Satara. Really, the way she mentioned that, it was as if the prophets were planning such an event in the Neanderthal era and she managed to bring it about!

And of course, there is the customary eulogy to friends that matter - to her of course, celebrities that matter, and the usual wannabe events that we are supposed to envy.

Which brings me to an interesting observation: Granted, Ms. De is up above the sky so high - residing in South Mumbai, tinkling glasses with the ones that we are supposed to consider as elite, etc, etc. but then why has she still to sound so wannabe? If you are up there, you need to stop sounding as if you are climbing the ladder.

But that somehow Ms. De has royally forgotten. Perhaps, she still thinks she is hiking her way up. If so, then well, she ought to take a different route for right now, it seems as if she is running around in circles.
