Episode 95: A Driver is Born

I drove around for the first time in my whole life! And it's not figuratively meant. I mean it literally. Three days prepared me for that and oh lala! It now seems as simple as drawing a car for the second standard drawing exam.

I did mention in one of my posts - probably in the previous one - that I intend to buy a car. Of course, I cannot buy a car and just let it sit you know. That's as good as buying a white elephant and then wonder what to do with it. So, naturally then, since I have to do something with the car and that something - in my case - just has to be driving, I enrolled for driving lessons.

Day One saw me sit through a tiresome boring but rather informative lecture on:
  • The oils I need to check almost daily (The engine oil and the brake oil)
  • The water that needs to be in there under the bonnet (The radiator water and the battery water)
  • The oil I need to check every alternate month (The gear oil)
  • The six deeds to be done before I begin to drive (Close the door, lock the door, put the seat belt on, check whether the gear's in neutral, adjust my seat, and say my prayers!)
  • The signs and signals I ought to follow (If you see red, stop; if you see green, just get lost. No Parking, etc etc)
  • The reason why I must use the clutch BEFORE I change the gear (So that my car lives to see the end of my days and not vice versa!)
  • The reason why I drive in first gear initially and then rampage through the rest (So that I don't drive like a bucking broncho when in a teeny tiny lane)
  • The necessity of adjusting the mirror BEFORE I drive (So that I get hang of the bullying BEST bus in about a second)
  • The rules I ought to follow (Give way to ambulances, etc etc.)
  • The rules I can break (For example, on roads in silence zones around schools, you can get your honk to chirp at school children, but don't ever sound the trumpet.)

Oh yes, an hour into this lecture, I was nearly asleep, but I did manage to retain much of it. The class comprised students of all ages in all shapes and sizes. Among them was one royally irritating munda from Dalli. This guy thought he was doing us all a favour by gracing the occasion. He just wouldn't lighten up and was way too wound up to even laugh at a joke cracked during the tedious lecture. All he bothered about was his hair (that wasn't at all any competition for Dimple Kapadia) and his terrible pout (which I think was not even a mile near to Amitabh's frown!).

There was a housewife too - taking down notes like a good student and asking questions when she didn't get a concept clear. Of course, I felt a little awkward that I hadn't thought of carrying a book along. At least I could have dawdled and come up with masterpieces to rival Madhuri Dixit's old old loverboy. But no, I didn't think of it. I - you see - ran there right after the 9:15 Sunday service got over. So there wasn't any time to sit and deliberate about the paraphernalia to be taken along. The housewife on the other hand must have done her thinking the day before and gotten ready the previous night itself. Housewives are - more or less - like that. They plan even when there is no need to. It serves them well though. At least it served this housewife well: She appeared sincere and made me wish for a notebook.

Anyway, to continue, by 12:30, we wrapped up. We had begun at 10:15 or so. So, it was indeed quite close to the Sermon on the Mount in terms of its duration. But luckily, I survived and what's more! I now know I can break rules by some deft cunning and a clever sleight of hand!

Coming Up: The Episode on Day Two.
