Episode 101: Lunching on Confessions

Date: 11th December 2009
Time: Around 1:00 pm
Venue: Subway, MIDC, Andheri (East)
Participants: Mr. Dreamer and Miss. Therela Tionship
Topic: Confessions and an observed date

Rahul? Initially, he's easy to get alongwith and probably a breeze to understand as well. But - as it happens with all after three or four days of knowing a person - the incomprehension arrives with all its grandeur. Or is it granduer? - well anyway, I thought he was giving off vibes of wanting a relationship ...

By the way, I seem to be one of the three spectators witnessing a rather slow but happening date at Subway. The girl is keen on arresting the boy's sexual attentions, but he seems bored already. I think he wants to leave. She hinted at this by asking whether he wants to, but boys being boys will continue to pretend they are okay with such a boring presentation of seduction... Oh I am wrong - they are headed for the door. Perhaps, he is definitely fed up of her so-called charms.

Anyway, as I was saying, Rahul gave off vibes of wanting a relationship. But lo and behold, last night's conversation washed all of that down the drain. We began talking of the birthday party that's slated for this coming Sunday. I asked whether he'd be attending and I get a flat "No!" that was not even thought about before it was thrown into the mouthpiece of his phone! But being the experienced conversationalist that I am, I asked why.
"Well, I don't want people around."
"But why?"
"I want to get off the scene."

The moment I heard that at 11:25 pm in the night as I sat in the hall enveloped in a slick darkness, I heard bells of a ship leaving the harbour. Evidently, I was programmed, for my own comfort, to just ditch and not pry. So, I hemmed and hawwed through the conversation and let it slip that I too wasn't keen on the scene at all because I had broken off.
"Oh," he said.
"Yes," I said as I sailed on,"I put my heart and soul in it and was ashamed I could not sustain a so-called relationship. And so, I stopped meeting people. I could not think straight, was thinking only of sex, and it's useless to meet people when you are going about with such a mindset."
"Well it happens."
"Yes it does," I continued," But that has made me wary. I will not go down that road that easily now."
"Oh I see."
And the conversation spluttered and added the mandatory static phrases to this exchange of sentences before it decided to drift to other mundane matters.

Truth be told, I had begun to have a few feelings for him, but had stopped myself from letting them explode into a full-fledged need that asks for a little more than what it subsists no right now...
It felt nice to be pampered with this kind of attention and I let it sit side by side with me. I think that is what the problem is: I just let it sit. I did nothing about it. And 22-year olds always want to 'do something', anything...

I wasn't about to do anything though. I have burnt my fingers, toes, lips, and hands enough. I am not about to let that happen again...

After all, I have a right to live without mishaps, haven't I?

*The italicized content courtesy: Ms. Therela. In one of her hazy stupors, she permitted its usage.
