Episode 81: The Ride

The breeze whistled outside the window.
It teased my hair and caressed my lips,
But kept to itself like a melancholy widow.

The Sun sprinted amidst brick and wall,
From which sprung apartments old and new.
It glistened and shined looking for another wall,
That smeared the skyline with a disgust anew.

I saw the deep darkening alleys,
That swept away the lights.
I saw the people laugh and frown at parleys,
At places I thought were sheer delight.

I threw them all into my head and let my thoughts revolve,
Into a sombre intense darkening jamboree that in my mind came to evolve.

It led me through the times I slipped abroad,
Down a beaten road.

It threw me into a mystic air,
And dressed me with a frightened despair.

It sketched my myriad smiles so wry,
That knew not what it was to cry.

It was when I remembered the first sharp tear drop,
That the damned bus came to a halt.
It was then I realized my reason needed a prop.
And it was then that the wheels skidded and stopped on the asphalt.

This jamboree of a thought gushed out in a flash.
I thought I had found my pulse and reasoning,
But it had flown and left me with a gash.
