Episode 68: Independence

I want to:

Fly; sprint,
Before the news can print.

I long to:

Blur the woods.
Spur the moods.

I shall:

Soar and meet the Sun,
And give the Sun a run.

I surely shall:

Tell all.
Tell all I am free to fall,
And rise from a pitfall.

For a dance steals my toes.
And my feet waltz with the shoes.

My being lifts itself into the air.
And I am free from my own lair.

Freedom is this.
This is its soft kiss.
That spurns me into a night,
Lit by a subtle smiling light.


KD13 said…
sounds like love...
I haven't read them all...
and I don't know if I need to...
But all that I've read till now...
Is surely some of the best verse I've come across...
Rich in images and palpable ones at that...
Looking forward to reading more...

To Mithraah:

Thank you so much. If I run a high fever of ego, you and you alone are to be blamed. :)

Oh yes, read more you shall. :)

To Karen:
Quite right Karen. It's love breaking off from the shackles of an old love gone haywire.:)