Episode 58: Distortion

The mind spun,
in a direction not known.
And so my thought saw the hot blistering Sun,
on a road unknown.

It hurtled on in its journey,
That it didn't want to take.
It stumbled; fell without money,
For that's what it didn't want to take.

A moment passed it by;
And pity on it it took.
"Calm down,"it said,"sit by
The stream and at me look."

My thought was tired,
And so the moment won.
It sat there twisted and mired,
and its soul a little wanton.

"Don't take this journey-
Don't tire unless,
You have a good reason too many;
And never for one valued as a colossal mess."

My thought listened, though weary.
It stayed by the stream, forgetting its worry.
My thought realized, though its eyes were teary.
That its owner thought in a manner so blurry.

So it came back to me.
"No,"it said, "listen to me;
Don't let me spin the way you want to.
For your mind is not mine,
And I least want it too."

My mind stopped its spin.
And my thought stood still.
In a moment all was clear
Just like the stream standing still.
