Episode 19: The E-mail

So many e-mails in my inbox.
Half of them disinterest me.
The other half do not interest me.
But they do want to be in my inbox.

I try not to look at them.
Not for me, to myself I say.
But the sender sends one more my way.
And makes me look at them.

Useless e-mails, really.
They talk about deadlines;
Dead and gone.
They talk about timelines;
Followed by none.
They talk about projects;
That are never done.
Needless e-mail, really.

Useless e-mails in my inbox.
Make the sender look useful, officially.
Irritating e-mails in my inbox.
All necessary and vital, officially.

Send an e-mail - make it official.
Send an e-mail - business depends on that.
Send an e-mail - don't write a musical.
Send an e-mail - even if you have nothing to write in that.

If you are a TL,
Send 50 and more.
If you are a PL,
Send 60 and more.
If you are higher than either L,
Send 90 and plenty more.

Just send, keep sending.
On a whim,
With a fancy,
Just keep sending.

Pretend to be busy,
And forward them.
Pretend to be busy,
And ask for them.

There'll come a time;
You will want none of them.
There'll come a time;
You will want to escape them.

Till then, come, fall in love,
With Send, Receive, and Forward.
And come, fall in love,
With e-mails that disrespect the word.
