Episode 9: The Complaint

18th September 2006

Rainy day in Mumbai town. The rains are hell-bent on getting noticed. Such wannabes, really! Don't even know how to make a splash. All they do is spill haphazardly from the clouds in quantities so unecessarily huge, we are surprised September is tolerating all this nonsense!

September rains are not scandalously outrageous. It's just that the phenomenon is outliving its stay. Everyone has seen enough, heard enough, weathered enough and is fed up of saying: "Enough is enough!" But listen the rains will not.

They played Dennis with a lot of menace on Saturday night: They uprooted electric poles, waylaid trains on the Western Railway, cut off electricity supplies to Vileparle and Andheri and, in general, were mischievous enough to deserve a dozen remarks in their calendars.

I was at home so didn't get hit much. But the ones that did, were in no mood to say nice things about it at all: Some cursed the railways ("Stupid damn thing!") some cursed their bosses ("Stupid kept me late!") but all remembered to curse the rains ("Stupid stupid rain!").

Yes it's a stupid stupid rain.
I wonder when the hint 'twill take
And run off to another terrain!
