Episode 2: The Investigation

From where I stood, I saw the black Mercedes taking a turn to the right. As it did, two Hyundais thought it best to bang into its doors from either side. As they did that, the traffic both up and down the road stopped and decided that they had better not miss the spectacle of the day.

And what a spectacle it was: The Merc owner trying his best to let loose the worst language he knew and the Hyundai owners trying their worst at being their best at ignoring.

Half an hour into this, the police - as inefficient as they always are - realised they were expected to do something. So the traffic control department threw out two constables and told them to amble down to the scene of action.

Amble down they did, but did nothing further than that. They were just being too obedient to do anything. And well, they were not told to do anything either. So they stood and stared and felt quite sure that could do something about it.

Twenty minutes after the police sent these two cartoons, Angelina walked up to me: "what's going on?"
"Probably a fight." Useless question, useless answer.
"Oh it quite looks like one."
"Yes I was quite sure about that."
"Oh I see. How so?"
Sarcasm is wasted on this woman. You just have to offer her your view naked. Clothe it with witticisms and you'll spend the whole afternoon promising yourself not to make that blunder anymore. I did. And yet, I made the same damn mistake.

So before she could realise it, I asked about the wedding on Sunday. Weddings are her favourite topic. And she most willingly forgot her previous question.
"Oh Jessica's you mean?" I heard her saying,"Well grand affair no? It's a pity you weren't invited."
"I was."
"You were?"
"Yes," I lied, "but I just attended the Mass."
"Oh. Why?"
"Well, I... I had some urgent work to finish."

She was quick to catch the ellipses and the double-space I let go before I gave her the reason.
"Is it now?" she probed, her eyes questioning the honesty of my reply,"I thought you never work on Sundays."
"Yes, but this was an emergency."
Her eyes asked mine whether that was true. And mine could not but say no. However, I was not to let my tongue say that and so got it to ask,"How was the reception?"
"Sad dear! She got drunk so badly, the poor fellow was shocked out of his senses."
"But Jessica does not drink," I said as I turned to look at the Mercedes and the Hyundais. The constables had finally decided to stop the show and get the traffic going.
"Oh she does. She loves Cappucinos and Mango smoothies."
"I mean she does not you know drink."
"Oh that! that yes but then human nature is very predictable Joshua. And you know that better than me, don't you?"
"I guess."

We let all this digest and so, were silent for around 5 minutes. The traffic cleared, the Mercedes rolled on like a battered prima donna and the Hyundais crossed each other - one shot pass in our direction and the other went pass a bus strolling towards us.

"Well that's my bus. I hope you do make it to weddings Joshua. You want people to attend yours, don't you?
"No I don't."
"Ha ha ha. We'll see. We'll see." And she let herself into the bus. The bus then became one with the traffic and I had not one but two headaches to bother about.
