Episode 1: The Interest

Mrs Ferns sat next to Miss Barretto. And since I needed information, I sat next to them.

Jessica strolled to the Church door in her royal white wedding dress while her father and mother and siblings looked too harried to even smile.

Telling you that they disapproved of her groom is like stating the obvious.
What I must tell you is that the groom disapproved of her as well. Mrs Ferns whispered so.

"Don't tell me!" Miss Barretto whispered back, trying to make it sound like an exclamation.
"Well I just told you."
"Oh but then why are they marrying."
"Well dear. You know it's an arrangement of sorts."
"I see," I blurted out suddenly,” so what has been arranged?" I asked.

At this, Mrs Ferns stopped in the nick of time or else the arrangement would have been out of her mouth. She then realised she did not know whether to gasp or look scandalized.

On the other hand, Miss Barretto knew exactly what to do. She turned her 'headlights' on me and "Mind your business," she spat out, her tongue all set to whiplash me were I not to obey.

So, obey I did: I changed pews and sat behind them. By now Mrs Ferns had recovered enough to crane her neck right behind and give me the "You-incorrigible-brat" look. Well, if she thought I was incorrigible, incorrigible I would be. So, I coolly returned her gaze in as innocent a manner as possible. Now Mrs Ferns wasn’t accustomed to getting her gazes back and so she decided to look scandalized and turned to look straight ahead.

Jessica had sashayed past us and was nearing the altar. The choir broke into The Bridal Chorus and the bridegroom (reluctantly) smiled as he saw her come close.

Amidst of all this, I realized I made one grave mistake: I had shown too much of interest. 
